and Science Department of Ukraine
National Academy of Sciences of UkraineAcademy of Sciences of Russia Ukrainian Vacuum Society Union of Metal Scientists and Thermists of Ukraine National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology” Sumy State University Sumy Joint Stock Company “Nasosenergomash ”Kharkiv House of Science and Engineering
second announcement about International Symposiums in Kharkov
will be sent for registered participants. Please fill the next Registration Form and press Submit button. 61108,
Ukraine, Kharkov, POB 10363 Phone:(38 0572) 35-25-45, 14-91-26 Fax:(38 0572) 35-35-29 IS-2001 secretary: ZALKIND Tatiana Viktorovna Organizational Committee Chairman: V.I. Lapshin
(Ukraine, Kharkiv) Organizational Committee Members
ISVTE-4 International Program Committee
ISTFE-12 International Program Committee
ISPM-7 International Program Committee
DEAR COLLEAGUE, The Organizational Committee invites you to participate in "ISVTE-4", "ISTFE-12", "ISPM-7" symposia, which will be held on April 23-27, 2001, in Kharkiv. Manner of participation:
The whole program is subdivided into plenary sessions, sectional sessions and poster sessions. General Information Conferences and symposia on various application aspects of vacuum technologies and equipment in different branches of science and industry are being regularly held in Kharkiv for more than twenty years. Their most significant feature lies in creating conditions for contacts between science and industry workers for the purpose of quickest introduction of the latest results of researchers and engineering developments into industry. Kharkiv, being the former capital of Ukraine, is the second largest city, following Kiev. It is a large industrial, scientific and cultural center of the country. There is an international airport connected with numerous cities of Europe and America. The National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology” (NSC KIPT) is the oldest scientific center in Ukraine. In 1998 it celebrated its seventieth anniversary. World known scientists and specialists used to work here, and many talented scientists keep working now. So, it was considered expedient to hold here in 2000 the 12th International Symposium “Thin Films in Electronics” in parallel with a satellite 4th International Symposium “Vacuum technologies and Equipment”, , and also the 7th International Symposium Pure metals. Scientific programs4th International Symposium “Vacuum Technologies and Equipment
Vacuum science
Vacuum system elements
Vacuum plants, systems and complexes
Vacuum metallurgy
Cryovacuum engineering
Development and application of vacuum technologies in industry
12th International Symposium “Thin Films in Electronics” will be held in two directions: thin film technologies for electronics, diamond films and films of related materials. Thin Film Technologies
Thin films
Diamond Films and Films of Related Materials
Deposition and growth of thin diamond films and
films of related materials (diamond-like, fulleren, diamond-like nitride
films, etc.)
Doping, modification and processing of films
Application of films
Tendencies for development
7th International Symposium “Pure metals”
Obtaining of high-purity metals and alloys
High-purity substances in electronics
High-purity metals and alloys for nuclear and
thermonuclear power industry
High-purity metals and their isotopes in medicine
Physical and nuclear-physical methods of elemental
analysis of admixtures in high-purity metals and àlloys
Structure features and physical properties of
high-purity metals and àlloys
Publications The Proceedings of all symposia, will be published by the beginning of symposia and all the participants will receive a bound copy of the Proceedings.Official languages: Ukrainian, Russian, and English. Instructions for Submission of Reports Reports must include
experimental or theoretical results or review information never published
before. Report Layout Manuscripts should be presented in two copies, arranged in accordance with the example attached . They must be prepared for direct reproduction. The second copy must have signatures of all the authors. The manuscript, including
tables and figures, has to be supplied with a 1.44 MB diskette containing
the report file edited in Microsoft Word In case of presenting the report in Ukrainian or Russian, the title, the names of the authors, the name and the address of the organization, and the abstract as well must be translated into English and inserted at the end of the report. Figures and photos must be scanned with a sufficiently high resolution and be inserted into the text. Avoid using wide colour (gray-shade) gamma so that the volume of figures should be below several hundred kilobytes. Use the built-in formula editor for composing equations and formulas. Using character graphics for preparing tables is not allowed. The reports that do not meet the requirements mentioned above will be rejected. The materials sent out will not be returned. Submission of papers The papers submitted to the Organizational Committee of the symposia should include the following :
please pass this information to your colleagues. Registration form of the symposium participantSurname _____________________________________________________ Name(s) ______________________________________________________ Manner of participation in the symposia (reporter or listener) ____________ Date of birth ___________________________________________________ Appointment, degree/rank ________________________________________ Organization/firm _______________________________________________ Address of organization/firm ______________________________________ Home address _________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Fax ___________________ E-mail _______________________________________________________ The registration form and report(s) must be sent at the address mentioned below by no later than December 31, 2000 by any means of communication – fax, E-mail, mail. Provided this term is satisfied, the second announcement about participation conditions will be sent at your address. Correspondence address: *
61108, Ukraine, Kharkiv, p/o box 10363
Example of Report DesignE-mail: Phone: +380 (572) 35-25-45, 14-91-26 fax: +380 (572) 35-35-29 J. P. Smith (Organization/Firm, City, Country) Abstract (100 words at most): Times New Roman font; size 10 pt; normal italics ; justified alignment; paragraph indention 0.6 cm) 1. first level subheading title 1.1. Second level subheading title Page format: A4 (297x210 mm).
Title and subheadings are set up in capitals.
Report title, authors
names, organization/firm and abstract are arranged in one column.
The main text is arranged in two columns, column width is 8.2
cm, space between columns is 0.6 cm.
Arrangement of large figures, formulas and tables in one column
is acceptable. Page layout. Margins:
left 2.5 cm, right 1.5 cm, top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm. Times
New Roman font, single spacing. Report title: size 14 pt;
bold type; no indent; center alignment. Author, organization/firm:
font size 12 pt; bold italics; no indents; center alignment.
Text of report: font size 10 pt; normal type; paragraph indention 0,6 cm; justified alignment. Use only soft hyphens in typesetting (hyphen with Ctrl button). Use strict space (Ctrl+Shift+space) between the value and its unit of measurement. First level subheading title: font size 11 pt; bold type; no indents; center alignment. Second level subheading title: font size 10 pt; bold type; no indents; center alignment. Figure caption: font size 10 pt; normal italics; no indents; center alignment. Fig. 1. Figure caption References: font size 10 pt; normal type; no indents ; justified alignment. References to unpublished materials are not acceptable.An example of reference list is given below. REFERENCES 1. N.V. Samokhvalov, V.E.
Strelnitskij, V.A. Belous et al. //Diamond and Related Materials,
1995, v.4, p.964.
2. I.I. Aksenov, V.M. Khoroshikh.
Proc. of the 17th ISDEIV, Berkeley, California, 1998,