Professor Sitenko has contributed to
both plasma physics and nuclear theory. His pioneer papers in kinetic
plasma theory and theoretical nuclear physics are known all over the
world. His results concerning the dielectric permittivity tensor for
a plasma with external magnetic field, combination scattering of waves
by plasma fluctuations, theory of electromagnetic fluctuations in
plasmas belong to the fundamental basis of physics that is often being
mentioned in literature without reference to the author, as a matter
of common knowledge. His diffraction approach to the theory of nuclear
processes is known as Sitenko-Glauber method. His extension of the
fluctuation-dissipation theorem to nonequilibrium systems, renormalized
theory of nonequilibrium and turbulent plasmas, latest research in
the kinetic theory of dusty plasmas are of major importance both for
theoretical and applied physics.
Professor Sitenko was the founder and
organiser of international conferences on plasma physics. After the
two meetings in Kiev (1971 and 1974), they were held in other countries,
under the name of Kiev Conferences on Plasma Theory, and later joined
with the International Congresses on Waves and Instabilities in Plasmas.
Now these Conferences are being held within the framework of the International
Conferences on Plasma Physics (ICPP). ....
He was active until the last day -- continued
his research work, headed the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical
Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, gave lecture courses
in Kiev University, supervised students and postgraduates, took part
in scientific discussions.
God bless his soul.
The memorial service was held on Thursday
February 14, 2002, for information please contact the Bogolyubov Institute
for Theoretical Physics. Condolences can be sent to the Institute.
address: Metrolohichna Str. 14b, 03143 Kiev, Ukraine
tel: (380 44) 266 91 23
fax (380 44) 266 59 98
PlasmaNet Takaya Kawabe & Soh Masuko
The United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies
The University of Tsukuba, Institute of Physics
ArTech, Plasma High-High Tech Center