Prof. Victor I. Gerasimenko
National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mathematics
3 Tereshchenkivs'ka St.,
01601, MSP, Kiev-4, Ukraine
Tel: (380 44) 224-4564
Fax: (380 44) 235-2010
Born January 26 1954; 1976 -B.S. degree
from Physics Faculty of the Kyiv National University;
1976 - 1978 - post-graduate courses of the Kyiv National University;
1978-1986 - research engineer, Junior Scientific Researcher, Senior
Scientific Researcher, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyiv;
1986-1991 - Senior Scientific Researcher, Institute of Mathematics,
1991-Pres. - Professor, Leading Scientific Researcher, Institute of
Mathematics, Kyiv.
1981 -Ph.D., 1991 - Professor, Dr.Sci.
2001- State Prize of the Ukraine.
Area of expertise:
Statistical mechanics and quantum field theory;
- Infinite particle evolution equations;
Kinetic and hydrodynamic equations.
Research and Development Activity:
- Evolution of infinite particle systems;
- Methods of the construction of solutions
to the BBGKY hierarchy of
the infinite particle systems;
- The mathematical justification to the
derivation of kinetic and hydrodynamic equations from the dynamics
of many-particle systems of various nature: plasma like and condensed
media (metals, semiconductors, granular materials);
- Inverse osmotic processes in the inhomogeneous
systems of charged particles;
- Dynamics of quantum-classical systems.
Selected Publications:
- Many-particle dynamics and kinetic
equations, Dordrecht: Kluwer Akad. Publ., 1997, 252 p. (with
C.Cercignani, D.Petrina).
- Mathematical foundations of
classical statistical mechanics, (with D.Petrina and P.Malyshev),
Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1985, 264 p.
second edition: N.Y.: Gordon and Breach Sci. Publ., 1989, 356 p.
third edition: London: Taylor & Francis , 2002, 352 p.
- Mathematical problems of the
statistical mechanics of a hard sphere system. Russ. Math.
Surv. (Uspekhy Math. Nauk), v.45., No.3, 1990, pp.135-182 (with D.Petrina).
- A mathematical description of
the evolution of the states of infinite systems of classical statistical
mechanics , Russ. Math. Surv.(Uspekhy Math. Nauk), v.38,
No.5, 1983, pp.3-58
- Uncorrelated equations of motion
of the quantum-classical systems. Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian
SSR, No.10, pp.65 - 68, 1981.