Scientific Activities
Professional Interests:
- low-temperature plasmas
- computer modeling
- gas discharges
- physics of dusty plasmas
- sheaths with dust particles
Simposium and Conference Organization
(last time):
- International Conference and School
on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Alushta (Crimea), Ukraine, September
16-21, 2002, - Member of the Program Committee
- 3rd International Conference on Plasma
Physics and Technology - Minsk, 2000 - Member of the International Program
- 7th Ukrainian Conference on controlled
fusion and plasma physics - Kiev, 1999, - Member of the Organizing Committee
- 2nd International Conference on Plasma
Physics and Technology - Minsk, 1997 - Member of the International Program
- 23-rd EPS Conference on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics - Kiev, 1996 - Member of the Local Organizing
- International Workshop on Complex
Fluids and Plasmas - Eindhoven, 1995, - Member of the Organizing Committee
Invited Talks on International Conferences
(last time):
- Self-consistent dusty sheaths // 3rd International Conference
on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (ICPDP - 2002), Durban, South Africa,
20 - 24 May 2002.
- Magnetised dusty sheaths // International Conference and School
on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Alushta (Crimea), Ukraine,
September 16-21, 2002.
- Self-consistent dusty sheaths in plasmas // V European Workshop
on Dusty and Colloidal Plasmas. Programme and Book of Abstracts.- 23-25
August 2001.- Potsdam, Germany.
- Self-consistent dusty sheaths in edge plasmas. // 8th International
Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices 10-12 September, 2001,
Dipoli Congress Centre, Espoo, Finland
- RF discharges with dust particles. // IV European Workshop
on Dusty and Colloidal Plasmas.- 3-5 June 2000.- Caparica, Portugal
- Sheaths with dust particles in an oblique magnetic field. //
10th Int. Toki Conf. Plasma Phys. Control. Nuclear Fusion (ITC-10),
January 18-21, 2000. Toki City, Japan.
- Statistical description and 3D computer modeling of relaxing dusty
plasmas. // 2nd International Conference on the Physics of Dusty
Plasmas, May 24-28, 1999, Hakone, Japan
- Statistical description and 2D computer modeling of relaxing dusty
plasmas. III European dusty plasma workshop. January 20-22, 1999,Col
de Porte (France)
- Relaxation of background electrons and ions in plasma crystals.//
9th Int. Workshop on the Physics of Nonideal Plasmaa(PNP-9), September
6-11, 1998, Rostock, Germany
- Relaxation of dusty plasmas International Conference on Strongly
Coupled Coulomb Systems, August 3-10, 1997, Boston, USA
- Expanding plasma clouds with dust particles. // The Fifth Symposium
on Double Layers - Potential Formation and Related Non-linear Phenomena
in Plasmas, September 17-19, 1996, Sendai, Japan.
- Statistical properties and relaxation of dusty plasmas.// 23-rd
EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Kiev, June 24-28,
Current Collaborators:
- Dr. W. J. Goedheer - Computer modelling
of RF discharges with dust particles - FOM-Institute for Plasmaphysics
'Rijnhuizen', Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
- Prof. S. Takamura - Sheaths with
dust particles in magnetic fields - Nagoya University, Japan
- Dr. Yu.Tomita - Magnetized dusty
sheaths - National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Japan
about 200 published works in plasma physics and physical
electronics. (Some last publications are indicated below in References).
and Conferences:
- Yu. I. Chutov, O.Yu. Kravchenko, A.F.
Pshenychnyj, R.D. Smirnov, K. Asano, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, Yu. Tomita.
Self-consistent dusty sheaths in plasmas with two-temperature electrons
// Phys. plasmas (accepted)
- O.Yu. Kravchenko, Yu. I. Chutov, W.J.
Goedheer, R.D. Smirnov, S. Takamura. Dusty sheaths in plasmas // J.
Nucl. Materials. (accepted)
- Yu. I. Chutov, W.J. Goedheer, O.Yu. Kravchenko,
O.A. Lavrov, T.E.Lisitchenko, G.I. Protas. Dusty RF discharges. Contributed
papers of the Eighth International Symposium on High Pressure, Low Temperature
Plasma Chemistry
(HAKONE-YIII), July 21- 25, 2002. Puhajarve, Estonia.- V.1._ P. 88-92.
- Chutov Yu.I., Goedheer W.J., Kravchenko
O.Yu., Zuz V.M., Yan M. Radio frequency discharge in argon with dust
particles // Taras Shevchenko Kiev University, Visnyk, Series: Radiofizika
ta Electronika. -2002.- N4.- P.72-77.
- Yu. I. Chutov. Self-consistent dusty
sheaths // Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the
Physics of Dusty Plasmas (ICPDP - 2002), Durban, South Africa, 20 -
24 May 2002. (accepted)
- Yu.I.Chutov, W.Goedheer. RF dusty discharges
with a secondary electron emission // Proc. VI European Workshop
on Dusty and Colloidal Plasmas.Montreux, Switzerland, 20-21 June 2002
- Yu. I. Chutov, W.J. Goedheer, O.Yu. Kravchenko,
O.A. Lavrov, T.E.Lisitchenko, G.I. Protas. Dusty RF discharges with
secondary electron emission // Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on the Physics of Dusty
Plasmas (ICPDP - 2002), Durban, South Africa, 20 - 24 May 2002. (accepted)
- Yukihiro Tomita, Yuriy Chutov. Stable
potential formation with neutral and dust particles in expanding magnetic
field near divertor plate // Вопросы атомной науки и техники(accepted)
- Chutov Yu. I., Kravchenko O.Yu., Yakovetsky
V.S. Influence of dust particles on sheaths in an oblique magnetic
field // Materials Science Forum: Plasma Processing and Dusty Particles.-
2001.- V.382.- P.63-68.
- Chutov Yu.I.., Goedheer W.J., Kravchenko
O.Yu., Zuz V.M., Yan M. Radio frequence discharges with dust particles
// Materials Science Forum: Plasma Processing and Dusty Particles.-
2001.- V.382.- P.69-79.
- Yu.I. Chutov, S Takamura, V.M. Zuz. Time-averaged
parameters of self-consistent sheaths in RF dusty plasmas // Contributed
papers of XXV ICPIG, 17-22 July 2001, Nagoya, Japan, Ed.:Toshio Goto,
V.3, p.29-30.
- Yu.I. Chutov, O.Yu. Kravchenko, S Takamura.
Rarefaction wave in a plasma with a dust cloud // Contributed
papers of XXV ICPIG, 17-22 July 2001, Nagoya, Japan, Ed.: Toshio Goto,
V.3, p.63-64.
- Yu. I. Chutov, W. J. Goedheer. Self-consistent
sheaths in RF dusty plasmas. // J. Plasma and Fusion Research. SERIES.-
2001.- V.4 (accepted)
- Yu.I. Chutov. Self-consistent dusty
sheaths in plasmas // V European Workshop on Dusty and Colloidal
Plasmas. Programme and Book of Abstracts.- 23-25 August 2001.- Potsdam,
Germany.- P.25
- Yu. I. Chutov, P. Schram. Statistical properties of relaxing dusty
plasmas// J. Plasma and Fusion Research. SERIES.- 2000.- V.3.- P.562-565
- Yu. I. Chutov, O.Yu. Krabchenko, V.S. Yakovetsky. Sheaths with
dust particles in an oblique magnetic field // J. Plasma and Fusion
Research. SERIES.- 2000.- V.3.- P.558-561.
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, P. P. J. M. Schram, R. D. Smirnov.
Relaxation of dusty plasmas in plasma crystals.// J. Plasma Phys.-
2000.- V.63.- P.89-96
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, R. D. Smirnov, P.P.J.M. Schram.
Statistical properties of relaxing dusty plasmas // J. Phys.
IV France.- 2000.- V.10.- P.395-398.
- Yu.I.Chutov, W.J. Goedheer. Radio frequency discharges with dust
particles // IV European Workshop on Dusty and Colloidal Plasmas.
Programme and abstracts.- 3-5 June 2000.- Caparica, Portugal.- P.15
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, P. P. J.M. Schram, R.D.Smirnov.
Background electrons and ions in relaxing dusty plasmas //Visnyk
of the Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University. Radio Physics and
Electronics. 2000.- No 1. - P.69- 72. (in Ukrainian)
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, P. P. J. M. Schram, R. D. Smirnov.
Statistical description and 3D computer modeling of relaxing dusty
plasmas // In: Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas (Eds. Y.Nakamura, T.Yakota,
P.K.Shukla) ELSEVIER, Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon,
Syngapur, Tokyo. 2000, 261-268.
- Yu. I. Chutov, O.Yu. Krabchenko, P.P.J.M. Schram, V.S. Yakovetsky.
Computer modeling of non-linear sheaths with dust particles //
In: Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas (Eds. Y.Nakamura, T.Yakota, P.K.Shukla)
ELSEVIER, Amsterdam,Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon, Syngapur, Tokyo.
2000, 355-358.
- Yu.Chutov, P.Schram. Relaxation of background electrons and ions
in plasma crystals. Contrib. Plasma Phys. 1999. - V.39, No 1-2.
- P. 127-130.
- Yu. Chutov, O. Kravchenko, P. Schram, V. Yakovetsky. Non-linear
sheaths with dust particles. Physica Amsterdam).- 1999.- V. B262.-
P. 415-420
- Yu. Chutov, O. Kravchenko, R. Smirnov, and P. P. J. M. Schram. Relaxation
of dusty plasmas. In: Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems. (Eds.G.
J. Kalman, K. Blagoev, J. M. Rommel) Plenum Press, New York, London,
Moscow. 1998 p.p. 209- 212
- Yu. Chutov, O. Kravchenko, V. Yakovetsky. Non-linear scheaths with
dust particles. In: Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems. (Eds. G. J.
Kalman, K. Blagoev, J. M. Rommel) Plenum Press, New York, London, Moscow.
1998, p.p. 227- 230.
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, P. P. J. M. Schram, and V. S. Yakovetsky.
Expanding plasma layers with dust particles. In: Strongly Coupled
Coulomb Systems. (Eds. G. J. Kalman, K. Blagoev, J. M. Rommel) Plenum
Press, New York, London, Moscow. 1998 p.p. 221- 225.
- Yu.I. Chutov, O.Yu. Kravchenko, P. Schram, and R.D. Smirnov. Expansion
of plasma layers with dust particles.// Ukrainian Journal of Physics.-
1997.-V.42.- P.996-1002 (in Ukrainian)
- Yu.I. Chutov, O.Yu. Kravchenko, V.V.Pikozh, V.M.Zuz. Influence
of dust particles on pulsing discharges.// Ukrainian Journal of
Physics.- 1997.-V.42.- P.1003-1006 (in Ukrainian)
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M., V.S.Jakovetsky. Expanding
plasma clouds with dust particles.// In: Double Layers -Potential
Formation and Related Nonlinear Phenomena in Plasmas. (Ed. Sendai "Plasma
Forum")- World Scientific, Singapure, New Jersy,London, Hong Kong.
1997 p.p.419-428.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M., Smirnov R.D. Electron
oscillations in bounded non-neutral plasmas with dust particles. //In:
Advances in Dusty Plasmas (Eds. P.K.Shukla, D.A.Mendis, T.Desai)- World
Scientific, Singapure, New Jersy,London, Hong Kong. 1997.- P.489-492.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M. Relaxation phenomena
in plasmas with dust particles. // In: Advances in Dusty Plasmas
(Eds. P.K.Shukla, D.A.Mendis, T.Desai)- World Scientific, Singapure,
Jersy,London, Hong Kong. 1997.- P.493-496.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M. Expansion of a
bounded plasma with dust particles.// J.Plasma Phys.- 1996.- V.55,
part 1.- P.87-94.
- Chutov Yu., Kravchenko A., Schram P.P.J.M. Evolution of an expanding
plasma with dust particles.// Physica. - 1996.-V.B128. - P.11-20
- Sytenko O.G., Zagorodny A.G., Chutov Yu.I., Schram P., Tsytovich V.N.
Statistical properties and relaxation of dusty plasmas. //Plasma
Phys.and Contr. Fusion. - 1996.- V.38, No 12a.- P.A105-A120
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M., Smirnov R.D. Relaxation
of electron oscillations in bounded non-neutral plasmas with dust particles.//Contributed
papers of 23rd European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, 24-28 June 1996, Kiev, Ukraine. Part III, pp.1179-1183.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M. Some properties
of plasmas with dust particles. //Contributed papers of 23rd European
Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
24-28 June 1996, Kiev, Ukraine. Part III, pp.1183-1186.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Yakovetsky V.S. Computer modeling
of a plasma jet expanding into vacuum vessel. /Contributed papers
of 23rd European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, 24-28 June 1996, Kiev, Ukraine. Part III, pp.1399-1402.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Pikozh V.V., Zuz V.M. Pulsing discharge
in dielectric cells with dust particles.// Europhysics Sectional
Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (XIII-th
ESCAMPIG), 27-30 August 1996, Poprad, High Tatras, Slovak Republic.
- Part B. - P. 485-486
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M., Smirnov R.D. Evolution
of strong electron oscillations in non-neutral plasma layers with dust
particles. // Europhysics Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular
Physics of Ionized Gases (XIII-th ESCAMPIG), 27-30 August 1996, Poprad,
High Tatras, Slovak Republic. - Part B. - P. 473-474
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M. Relaxation plasmas
with dust particles.// Europhysics Sectional Conference on Atomic
and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (XIII-th ESCAMPIG), 27-30 August
1996, Poprad, High Tatras, Slovak Republic. - Part B. - P. 475-476
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M., Smirnov R.D. The
influence of dust particles on strong electron oscillations in bouinded
non-neutral plasmas. // Contributed papers of 1996 International
Conference on Plasma Physics, 9-13 September 1996, Nagoya, Japan, V.2
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram P.P.J.M. The relaxation
of plasmas with dust particles. // Contributed papers of 1996 International
Conference on Plasma Physics, 9-13 September 1996, Nagoya, Japan, V.2
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Pikozh V.V., Zuz V.M. Computer
modeling of pulsing discharges in dielectric cell with dust particles.
Contributed papers of International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature
Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE V), September 2-4, 1996, Milovy, Czech Republic,
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., V.S.Jakovetsky. Expanding plasma
jet in a vacuum vessel. Contributed papers of International Symposium
on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE V), September
2-4, 1996, Milovy, Czech Republic, p.240-244.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Pikozh V.V., Zuz V.M. Tne influence
of dust particles on pulsing discharges.// Contributed papers of
XIIIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, October 14-18, 1996, Brno.
Czech Republic. - V.1.- P.215-218...
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, P. P.
J. M. Schram, R. D. Smirnov. Relaxation of dusty plasmas in plasma
crystals. J. Plasma Phys.- 2000.- V.63.- P.89-96.
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, R.
D. Smirnov, P.P.J.M. Schram. Statistical properties of relaxing dusty
plasmas // J. Phys. IV France.- 2000.- V.10.- P.395-398.
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, P.
P. J. M. Schram, R. D. Smirnov. Statistical description and 3D computer
modeling of relaxing dusty plasmas // In: Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas
(Eds. Y.Nakamura, T.Yakota, P.K.Shukla) ELSEVIER, Amsterdam, Lausanne,
New York, Oxford, Shannon, Syngapur, Tokyo. 2000, 261-268.
- Yu. I. Chutov, O.Yu. Krabchenko, P.P.J.M.
Schram, V.S. Yakovetsky. Computer modeling of non-linear sheaths
with dust particles // In: Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas (Eds. Y.Nakamura,
T.Yakota, P.K.Shukla) ELSEVIER, Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, Oxford,
Shannon, Syngapur, Tokyo. 2000, 355-358.
- Yu. I. Chutov, P. Schram. Statistical
properties of relaxing dusty plasmas // J. Plasma and Fusion Research.
SERIES.- 2000.- V.3.- P.562-565.
- Yu. I. Chutov, O.Yu. Krabchenko, V.S.
Yakovetsky. Sheaths with dust particles in an oblique magnetic field
// J. Plasma and Fusion Research. SERIES.- 2000.- V.3.- P.558-561.
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, T.E.
Lisitchenko, V.M. Zuz. Pulsing discharges with dust particles //
In: Plasma Physicics and Plasma Technology.- Minsk Institute of Molecular
and Atomic Physics, National Academy of Science of Belorus.- 2000- V.1.-
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, V.
S. Yakovetsky. Non-linear sheaths with dust particles // In:
Plasma Physicics and Plasma Technology. Minsk Institute of Molecular
and Atomic Physics of National Academy of Science of Belorus - 2000-
V.1.- P. 365-368.
- Yu.Chutov, P.Schram. Relaxation of
background electrons and ions in plasma crystals. Contrib. Plasma
Phys. 1999. - V.39, No 1-2. - P. 127-130.
- Yu. Chutov, O. Kravchenko, P. Schram,
V. Yakovetsky. Non-linear sheaths with dust particles. Physica
(Amsterdam).- 1999.- V. B262.- P. 415-420
- Yu.I. Chutov, O.Yu. Kravchenko. A
dusty layer in a plasma // In: Electrophysical and Thermophysical
Processes in Low-temperature Plasma.- 1999.- TU Brno, Czech Republic.-
- Yu. Chutov, A. Kravchenko, P. Schram,
R. Smirnov. Backgraund electrons and ions in relaxing dusty plasmas.
Contributed papers of 1998 ICPP & 25th EPS CCPPP, Zofin, Praha, Chech
Repubvlic,June 29th - July 3rd, 1998. Ed. P. Pavlo, pp. 2541-2544.
- Yu. Chutov, A. Kravchenko, P. Schram,
V. Yakovetsky. Influence of dust particles on non-linear sheaths.
Contributed papers of 1998 ICPP & 25th EPS CCPPP, Zofin, Praha, Chech
Repubvlic, Repubvlic,June 29th -July 3rd, 1998. Ed. P. Pavlo, pp. 2529-2532.
- Yu. Chutov, O. Kravchenko, R. Smirnov,
and P. P. J. M. Schram. Relaxation of dusty plasmas. In: Strongly
Coupled Coulomb Systems. (Eds.G. J. Kalman, K. Blagoev, J. M. Rommel)
Plenum Press, New York, London, Moscow. 1998 p.p. 209- 212
- Yu. Chutov, O. Kravchenko, V. Yakovetsky.
Non-linear scheaths with dust particles. In: Strongly Coupled
Coulomb Systems. (Eds. G. J. Kalman, K. Blagoev, J. M. Rommel) Plenum
Press, New York, London, Moscow. 1998, p.p. 227- 230
- Yu. I. Chutov, O. Yu. Kravchenko, P.
P. J. M. Schram, and V. S. Yakovetsky. Expanding plasma layers with
dust particles. In: Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems. (Eds. G. J.
Kalman, K. Blagoev, J. M. Rommel) Plenum Press, New York, London, Moscow.
1998 p.p. 221- 225.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram
P. Computer modeling of expanding plasmas with dust particles. //
Contributed papers of 24th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics, 9-13 June 1997, Kongresshaus Berchtesgaden,
Germany. Ed.: M.Schittenhelm, R.Bartiromo and F.Wagner, Part 3. - P.1333-1336.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Yakovetsky
V.S. Non-linear sheaths with dust particles. // Contributed papers
of 24th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, 9-13 June 1997, Kongresshaus Berchtesgaden, Germany.
Ed.: M.Schittenhelm, R.Bartiromo and F.Wagner.- Part 3. P.1337-1340.
- Yu. I. Chutov, A.Yu. Kravchenko, P. J.
J. M. Schram, V.S.Yakovetsky. Expanding plasma layers with two electron
groups and dust particles // Contributed papers of XXIII ICPIG,
17-22 July 1997, Toulouse, France, Ed.: M.S.Bordage and A. Gleizes,
V.5, p.V.64-V.65.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram
P.P.J.M., Smirnov R.D.Electron oscillations in bounded non-neutral
plasmas with dust particles // In: Advances in Dusty Plasmas. (Eds.
P.K.Shukla, D.A.Mendis, T.Desai) World Scientific, Singapure, New Jersy,
London, Hong Kong. 1997, P.P. 489-492.
- Chutov Yu.I., Kravchenko A.Yu., Schram
P.P.J.M. Relaxation phenomena in plasmas with dust particles
// In: Advances in Dusty Plasmas. (Eds. P.K.Shukla, D.A.Mendis, T.Desai)
World Scientific, Singapure, New Jersy, London, Hong Kong. 1997, P.P.